Sylvestre paces Condors to 4-1 win over Utah
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. - The Bakersfield Condors (14-10-1-2, 31pts),…

Condors run out of time against Utah, fall 6-4
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. - The Bakersfield Condors (13-10-1-2, 29pts),…

Jones Brothers recalled to Oklahoma City
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. - The Bakersfield Condors,…

Condors move into first place with 3-2 win over Ontario
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. - The Bakersfield Condors (13-9-1-2, 29pts),…

D Ben Lindemulder assigned to Condors
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. - The Bakersfield Condors,…