CONDORS IN THE COMMUNITY: Hans Benson and others speaking to students this week; $15,675 raised for Wounded Heroes Fund
This week in Condorstown:
A look back:

Tuesday Nov. 15:
The team hosts the Stockton Thunder at 10:30 a.m. on the Condors annual Businesspersons Special/Field Trip Day game at Rabobank Arena. Over 4,000 students from all across Kern County are expected to attend with their classes. The game will feature educational-themed presentations and contests. The Condors are also offering $10 seating anywhere in the building, making it a great way for fans to spend their lunch break with the Condors! For more information on the game or to reserve your company’s group, please call 324-PUCK (7825).
Wednesday Nov. 16:
Defenseman Keith Wynn will speak at Washington Middle
School, located at 1101 Noble Avenue, from 1-2 p.m. He’ll address his dedication to improving as a hockey player, what it takes to realize your dreams, and will answer questions from the students.
Thursday Nov. 17:
Condors Insider returns to Fox Sports Radio 970 AM from 6-7 p.m. This week’s show will feature interviews with coaches, players, and the ECHL plays of the week. The show is available over the airwaves, online at, or through theiheartradio app on your smartphone.
Friday Nov. 18:
Kevin Bartl makes his weekly appearance on the Scott Cox Show onKERN Radio News Talk 1180 AM at 8:30 a.m. He’ll discuss Condors hockey and what is going on around Condorstown.
Baby Cal gets into the fun at Olive Drive Elementary Schoolfrom 11:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The school is located on Darrin Avenue, just north of Olive Dr. Baby Cal will be on hand to congratulate students who earned an “A” in conduct and effort on their report cards.
Monday Nov. 21:

Ante up with the Condors:
Members of the team including the coaches will be participating in a charity poker tournament to be held at the Aviator Casino in Delano on Wed. November 30th at 7 p.m. The Aviator Casino is located at 1225 Airport Drive in Delano. Proceeds from the event will benefit Shop with a Cop which benefits underprivileged children as they get to go holiday shopping with a cop. To see if you can bluff a Condor out of a big pot, please visit or call 324-PUCK (7825) for more information.
Get Tickets:
Ticket packages, starting as low as $48, are on sale now by calling the Condors front office. Special group rates are available for a minimum of just 10 people (advanced purchase required). Reserve your group or party today by calling 324-PUCK (7825).
Individual tickets are on sale through Ticketmaster and the Rabobank Arena box office by calling 1-800-745-3000. Box office hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturdays with extended hours on game days. For more information on ticket packages, exciting promotions, and to sign up for the Kids Club for just $10, visit the online home of the Condors,