Los Condors jersey auction
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. – The Bakersfield Condors have put eight game Los Condors jerseys online for auction thru Cinco de Mayo (May 5). Click any of the players below to place your bid on their one-of-a-kind jersey. The auction is run by the Condors Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, and your purchases are tax deductible. Proceeds from the jersey auction will benefit Colonel Claw’d in his Man of the Year bid for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. To make a direct bid to the LLS, click here.

#17 ZACH BOYCHUK (click here)
#14 KYLE PLATZER (click here)
#20 LUKE GAZDIC (click here)
#39 BOGDAN YAKIMOV (click here)
#2 GRIFFIN REINHART (click here)
#6 DAVID MUSIL (click here)
#13 JOEY LALEGGIA (click here)
#30 NIKLAS LUNDSTROM (click here)
Save the date! You have a home opener to attend. The Condors will open the home slate on Saturday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. against everyone’s favorite opponent – TBD. No really, the opponent hasn’t been determined. But the team will play somebody, we promise! Make plans to be there by calling 324-PUCK (7825) and asking about memberships.
Save the date! You have a home opener to attend. The Condors will open the home slate on Saturday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. against everyone’s favorite opponent – TBD. No really, the opponent hasn’t been determined. But the team will play somebody, we promise! Make plans to be there by calling 324-PUCK (7825) and asking about memberships.
From now thru Cinco de Mayo (that’s May 5), purchase at least two 6-Pack plans for next season and receive one Los Condors t-shirt, while supplies last. Call 324-PUCK (7825) and mention the deal to receive your t-shirt.
From now thru Cinco de Mayo (that’s May 5), purchase at least two 6-Pack plans for next season and receive one Los Condors t-shirt, while supplies last. Call 324-PUCK (7825) and mention the deal to receive your t-shirt.