Party with the Condors like it’s 1998-99 on Friday with rolled back prices
CONDORSTOWN, Calif. – The Bakersfield Condors play two games on Dignity Health Home Ice at Rabobank Arena this week. On Wednesday, the Condors are out for blood as they host Blood Drive Night while on Friday we turn back the clocks to 1998-99 with a specialty jersey auction and special prices on tickets and food. Check out all the fun happening this week in Condorstown and don’t forget to renew your season tickets to be a part of theexclusive Skate with the Team luncheon on Saturday.
Purchase tickets for Wednesday: click here
Purchase tickets for Friday: click here
Watch this weekend’s TV commercial: click here
Anyone who donated a pint of blood at Houchin Blood Bank during
the month of March will receive $1.00 terrace level admission onMy 45 and KUZZ 107.9 Blood Drive Night on Wednesday. Donate a pint and enjoy the game for dirt cheap!

Calling all high school and college students! On Wednesday, show your school I.D. at the box office and receive $1 lower level tickets. Get a group of friends, put down the XBox controller, and come watch some exciting Condors hockey. What else could be better on a Wednesday night?
Friday night will feel like 1998-99, the first year of Condors hockey.
On the ice, the team will wear special 15th Anniversary jerseys featuring the names of all season ticket holders as of Dec. 31, 2012. These jerseys will be auctioned off throughout the night, PLUS everyone in the building will have a chance to win one of FIVE that will be given away. Proceeds from the jersey auction will benefit the Kern County Shrine Club. The night is presented by My 45 and KUZZ 107.9.

Also on Friday, ALL lower level tickets will be priced at $15 in honor of our 15th season. Even popcorn and soda will be rolled back to the prices they were 15 years ago when we first opened our doors! Who remembers back that far?
Fundraisers are a great way to earn money for your school, group, or organization by partnering up with the Condors. Take Cesar E. Chavez Science and Magnet School who sold over 300 tickets and will sing during the first intermission of Wednesday’s game. To find out how you can schedule a fundraiser with the Condors, click here or contact the front office at 324-PUCK (7825).
After the game on Wednesday, head on up to the Bakersfield Marriott Autograph Booth, located on the north end of the concourse near the main doors to meet some of your favorite Condors players. D Kyle Haines and D Scott Enders will be up there to sign for fans.
Both games start at 7 p.m. with doors opening at 6 p.m. (5:45 p.m. for season ticket holders).
Radio: Fox Sports Radio 970 AM
Online: click here
Radio: Fox Sports Radio 970 AM
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Video: click here
Renew your season tickets and take advantage of the great benefits, such as the Skate with the Team luncheon on Sat., March 16 and the dollar-a-day merchandise credit! Call the Condors at 324-PUCK (7825) to speak with your representative or visit the season ticket holder renewal page by clicking here.